When I was in Paris last week, I picked up a small French cookbook named "Tout Chaud!" (All Hot!) published by Marabout. The price was right, only 2.50 Euros. One thing I love about this cookbook is the relatively small list of ingredients for each recipe.
Tonight, my DH and I will be dining on volouté de maïs au poulet (velvety corn and chicken soup). This is the first recipe that I will be making from an all French cookbook, so wish me luck! It looks as though it will be quite good. The only thing I see a little out of the ordinary in the recipe is the 60 ml of cognac called for. I don`t think that I have had cognac in soup before. We shall see!
I was having coffee with a (Canadian) friend of mine today and we were discussing the different/kinda weird foods that are eaten in Quebec. One food that we discussed is called (or as my DH calls it) "Pain Cheez Whiz" For those not in the know, this is what pain Cheez Whiz is: Take a loaf of standard white bread (i.e. Wonder Bread). Instead of it being sliced vertically, slice it horizontally around 6 times. On the first "slice" spread ham salad (canned ham and mayo) on it. Place the second slice on top of the first and spread egg salad (hard-boiled eggs and mayo) on that slice. Keep alternating until all the slices are back in loaf form. Then, take a jar of Cheez Whiz and spread it around the entire loaf of bread. Finally dot it with green olives. I personally can't stand this concoction. My husband loves it though. I think that for sure, it is a Quebec thing. I have never seen anything like this in the states.
Well, I have to start the soup. Will post later to show you how it went!
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